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Masonry Day at the University of Alberta

November 15th, 2019

Christopher Makepeace is a senior specialist, C.E.T. from Building Science Engineering LTD. He is acknowledged for his extensive experience in the field of building sciences. Today, he shared some of that knowledge with the students, pdfs, and professor of the Masonry Centre and with the contractors from the MCAA. 

In his talk, titled Future of Masonry Building Envelopes, he discussed the Air Barrier System and the Canadian National Building Code (NBC 1995) and stressed the importance of durability. He also spoke of his work on PERSIST.

For the students, he did leave some suggested reading material, books that have helped in his career:
Building Science of Enclosures  — E. F. P. Burnett
Understanding Psychrometrics — Donald P. Gatley; D. P. Gatley
Water in Buildings: An Architect’s Guide to Moisture and Mold — William B. Rose 
ASHRAE guide for buildings in hot and humid climates, 2ND ED.— Lewis G. Harriman, III, and Joseph W. Lstiburek

Christopher Makespace (right) with Mohammad Mehdi Ebadi (left)
Dr. Carlos thanking Christopher Makepeace
Christopher Makepeace during the Q&A