Bowen Zeng

Bowen obtained his Bachelor’s degree at Central South University(CSU) and his Master’s degree from Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) in China. He worked on geotechnical engineering and tunnelling engineering in his previous research. In the Fall of 2019, he commenced his Ph.D.  program at the University of Alberta with Dr. Yong Li.


His research is mainly focused on advanced numerical modelling and the sensitivity analysis of the masonry wall. The main objective is to develop a detailed micro model to study the mechanical behaviour of each component in the masonry wall and how they interact with each other. Following that,  he will conduct a sensitivity analysis based on the developed numerical model regarding the uncertainty in the masonry wall.


 In his current research field, his particular interests are:
1.Implementation of the constitutive model for masonry wall within the framework of solid mechanics.
2.Formulation and application of mathematical models in the reliability analysis and sensitivity analysis.